


Access to the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to the Asociación Mutual Pueyrredón 2008 or (AMP2008), is public and unrestricted to all people who did so. The use of the website and/or Mobile application owned by DigitalPas S.A.S. and licensed to AMP2008 for its partners, implies prior acceptance without reservation of everything provided in this Privacy Policy.

When accessing the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to AMP2008 ( and voluntarily providing personal information, the mere fact presumes the user's consent for its archiving, storage, treatment and use of the information provided.

All personal data provided and entered by Users through the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to AMP2008 are considered true and credible.

All types of personal information provided during the visit may be stored, used and processed by AMP2008 in accordance with the following stipulations:


The recipient of said personal data is AMP2008, who undertakes to comply with the processing, treatment, use, transfer and storage thereof, safeguarding the privacy, confidentiality and strict confidentiality of their content.


The personal data entered will be incorporated into a data bank OR DELETED AT THE USER'S REQUEST, with the owner and person responsible being AMP2008, with address at Viamonte 377, 6th floor of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires - Argentina.


The contribution of personal data is optional for the user; who may at any time reliably request that they be informed of their content, request rectifications and/or deletions that they consider necessary, in accordance with the personal data protection law.


AMP2008, as owner of the database, at its discretion may disclose personal information to whomever it deems necessary, provided that the recipient agrees to process it in accordance with the terms of its Security Policy and Privacy Policy. Likewise, the right is reserved to use or disclose any information when it is necessary to satisfy any legal requirement and/or to protect the integrity of the Internet site and/or Mobile application.


The user, when accessing the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to AMP2008 ( and voluntarily providing personal information, the mere fact presumes consent and authenticity of the data. for filing, storage, processing and use of information.


The personal information voluntarily provided by the user on the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to AMP2008 is safeguarded and protected in order to preserve their confidentiality, privacy, integrity, availability and authenticity. Therefore, AMP2008 is not responsible for the inaccuracy, error, omission and/or lack of veracity of said data, since the user is the one who voluntarily provides it.


By entering the Internet site and/or mobile application licensed to AMP2008 (, the user agrees to the installation of computer devices known as cookies for the sole purposes and effects of speeding up user communication. with the Internet site and/or Mobile application licensed to AMP2008 to record your visits and thus allow the preparation of statistics for said site.


AMP2008, licensee of the Internet site and/or Mobile application, may offer links to other pages, and is not responsible for the privacy policies of those sites.


AMP2008, licensee of the Internet site and/or Mobile application, reserves the right to modify all or part of the content of this Privacy Policy.