


These terms and conditions of service regulate the contractual relationship between users (hereinafter "USERS") and the ASOCIACION MUTUAL PUEYRREDON 2008 DE ASSISTANCE AND SERVICE. (hereinafter "AMP2008"), CUIT: 30-71194540-3, with address at VIAMONTE nº 377, 6th Floor, CABA (together with the USERS "THE PARTIES") and govern the access, visit, use and any interaction that is generated through the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION.

USERS who access and/or use the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION will be subject to these General Terms and Conditions along with all other policies and principles that govern the relationship and that are incorporated herein by reference.

The Terms and Conditions are mandatory and binding for any person who wishes to access and/or use the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or the SERVICES offered therein. From now on this person will be called "USERS". Any person who does not accept these Terms and Conditions must refrain from using the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or THE SERVICES.

The Terms and Conditions that the USER reads, understands and accepts to access, visit, use and/or register on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION also include the Privacy Policies, Publication Policies and other annexes and documents incorporated by reference or to be created in the future and that are published on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or THE SERVICES.

AMP2008 may modify, update and/or revise the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice, making the modified, updated and/or revised terms public on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or THE SERVICES. All modified, updated or revised terms will be effective immediately upon publication on the WEBSITE and/or MOBILE APP. The USER will have a period of ten (10) calendar days from the date of publication to reject the new Terms and Conditions and, in such case, request cancellation of the SERVICE.

Entering the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or contracting THE SERVICES implies the tacit acceptance of these Terms and Conditions and the other policies and principles that govern the relationship.


1.1.- AMP2008 provides road assistance SERVICES and a mobile application (hereinafter, the MOBILE APPLICATION) and a virtual space (hereinafter the WEBSITE), all of which constitutes a digital tool of comprehensive support to the USER in order to provide solutions of communication to its USERS, integrating the contracted SERVICES with our service centers and/or provision of these SERVICES in real time (hereinafter the "SERVICE").
1.2.- The SERVICE provided by AMP2008 will be governed in all cases by the laws of the Argentine Republic.
1.3.- AMP2008 will make its best efforts and put into operation all means to provide a good experience on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION. Without limiting the foregoing, AMP2008 MAKES NO WARRANTIES nor shall there be any implied warranties of merchantability, success of production, results or fitness for your particular purpose.


2.1. Requirements. The USER is any human or legal person who accesses and/or uses the SERVICE. In this way, whoever accesses, visits, and/or uses the SERVICE is considered a "USER". Every USER must be of legal age and have the legal capacity to contract, in accordance with current regulations. You must also have the special permits, licenses or qualifications established by the regulations, to carry out the operations proposed through the SERVICE. The USER who has been disabled, or whose account has been suspended under the terms of this agreement, may not use the SERVICE. In the event that the USER registers as a representative of a company, they must have sufficient powers to contract in the name and representation of that company, and to accept these Terms and Conditions.
2.2. Record. To have access to the SERVICES offered, the USER must register on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION by completing the registration process. The fields must be completed with your personal and/or corporate information in an exact, precise and true manner. The USER declares under oath that the information provided is true and that they have sufficient powers to use and provide the data with which they register and carry out the operations for which they register. Likewise, you agree to update the registered information when necessary and/or upon request of AMP2008. The USER guarantees and is responsible, in all cases, for the veracity, validity and authenticity of the personal and corporate data and information provided, being the sole and exclusive party responsible for the same. AMP2008 reserves the right to request additional data or information in the case of USERS who carry out operations that require additional powers required by law or by the current or future policies of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION. AMP2008 reserves the right to request at any time documentation or proof to corroborate the veracity and accuracy of the personal and/or corporate data provided by the USER. AMP2008 reserves the right to reject any registration request or cancel a previously accepted registration, without being obliged to communicate or explain the reasons for its decision and without this generating any right to compensation or compensation. With REGISTRATION, the USER grants his or her consent and expressly authorizes AMP2008 to inform any competent authority of the respective information, in the event that it is requested by the legally provided means.
2.3. Account use. Once registered, the USER will access the account by entering their ID and password. The account is personal, unique and non-transferable. The USER is responsible for all operations carried out on his or her account and for the acts of the people he or she authorizes to use his or her account (in such case, the reservation of access credentials is the responsibility of the USER). The USER undertakes to notify AMP2008 immediately and reliably of any unauthorized use or entry of their account. The account is not a property of the USER, but a tool that AMP2008 makes available to the USER to access the SERVICES. The sale, assignment, and transfer of the account, any act of disposition in general and all its attributes (responsibilities, debts, credits) under any title is strictly prohibited.
2.4. Deregistration and/or suspension of the USER. AMP2008 reserves the right at its sole discretion to temporarily or permanently suspend those USERS whose personal data could not be confirmed. Likewise, AMP2008 reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately cancel the USER's registration or deregister in the event that the USER violates any of the provisions established in these terms and conditions, the law, morality, order public, good customs and in particular, the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, personal data, the rights to honor, privacy and image, and property rights. Cancellation will not generate any type of right to compensation. AMP2008 also reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to immediately cancel the USER's registration or deregister, in the event that fraudulent, deceptive, unusual, misleading, or contrary to the nature of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and the SERVICES available therein.


To use and/or access some of the SERVICES offered by AMP2008, USERS must provide personal data. The USER gives their consent for their personal information to be processed and stored on servers or magnetic media that maintain high standards of security and protection, both physical and technological. For more information about the privacy of Personal Data and cases in which personal information will be revealed, you can consult our Privacy Policies.


The USER agrees to use the SERVICE in accordance with these Terms and Conditions, the law, morality, good customs, public order, and under his or her exclusive risk and responsibility. Likewise, you agree to make appropriate use of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and not to use it to carry out illegal, fraudulent activities, that violate the rights of third parties and/or that violate the regulation on intellectual and industrial property, or any another rule of the applicable legal system.


Without prejudice to other measures, AMP2008 may temporarily suspend or permanently disable a USER's account, initiate the actions it deems appropriate and/or suspend the provision of its SERVICE: (a) if any current law or regulation is violated, or any of the provisions of the General Terms and Conditions and other policies or Annexes or complementary documents of AMP2008; (b) if you fail to comply with your commitments as a USER; (c) if, at the discretion of AMP2008, malicious, fraudulent, deceptive or misleading conduct or acts are incurred; (d) if the identity of the USER could not be verified or any information provided by the USER is erroneous or false.


The USER, when browsing, using the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, registering therein and/or downloading the APPLICATION authorizes AMP2008 to mention him or her as a "client of the SERVICE", as well as to publish his name, brands and/or or logo and/or isotype, and/or any other sign that represents and identifies it in order to publicize its presence and/or activity on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION.


AMP2008 respects and will enforce the intellectual property rights of third parties in the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, without guaranteeing a result. Likewise, AMP2008 reserves the right to take all measures it deems appropriate to safeguard the intellectual property rights of third parties on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, which may include suspending the USER's account and/or informing the holders of intellectual property rights or to the judicial authorities some of the personal data of the USERS whose publication has been reported.
The USER accepts that all elements of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and, of each of the SERVICES provided through it, including, but not limited to, the design, structure, information , the platform and materials contained in the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, are legally protected as intellectual and industrial property rights of AMP2008 or third parties, which is why the USER agrees not to enter, disseminate, transmit, reproduce , transform, modify, rent, lend or make available to third parties any type of information, element, content, etc., which constitutes a violation of the intellectual and industrial property rights, patents, trademarks or copyright that correspond to AMP2008 or third parties.
The USER must use the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and each of the SERVICES contained therein solely for personal use, agreeing not to directly or indirectly carry out commercial exploitation of the elements and information obtained through the WEBSITE and /or the MOBILE APP.


8.1.- General.
The USER accepts that the use of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, as well as the use of the SERVICE in general, will be exclusively under their responsibility. AMP2008 does not guarantee and assumes no responsibility for any damage, loss or loss to the USER or third parties caused by (i) failures in the system, the server or the Internet, errors or inaccuracies in the content. (ii) personal injury or property damage, or damage of any nature resulting from your access, visit and/or use. (iii) any interruption or cessation of transmission from or to the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APP. (iv) any bug, virus, or similar that may be transmitted from or through the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, (v) any error, omission or illegality in the content or for any loss or damage of any kind in the which has been incurred as a result of the use of the content of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION. (vi) security and privacy in the use of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or the SERVICES.
In no case will AMP2008 be responsible for direct, indirect and/or unforeseen damages. USERS are responsible for the proper use of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION, expressly committing to avoid any type of action that may damage systems, equipment or services accessible, directly or indirectly through the Internet.
All information entered, edited and/or manipulated on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION is provided by the USERS, and said information is their sole responsibility. AMP2008 is not responsible for the publication, veracity and accuracy of the information entered on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION.
USERS assume full responsibility towards the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and third parties for damages and losses that may occur as a result of their own actions, those of their dependents or third parties and those resulting from non-observance of the laws or regulations of others. illegal acts or misuse of the SERVICE, USERS must indemnify and hold harmless the owner of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION and/or AMP2008, against any claim from third parties that may apply.
AMP2008 will have the right to expand or improve the SERVICE provided on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION without the need for prior communication, as well as to alter the means or routes used to provide the SERVICE.
AMP2008 only makes a WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION available to USERS in order to provide analytical information to the insurance sector. AMP2008 will not be responsible for the use of said information by the USER in their own business.
The USER knows and accepts that when carrying out operations with AMP2008 they do so at their own risk. In no case will AMP2008 be responsible for lost profits or for any other damage and/or harm that the USER may have suffered due to the SERVICES provided.
AMP2008 will not be responsible for any damages caused, including acts of God and force majeure, that occur to the equipment, facilities or personnel of the USERS.
By way of example and not limitation, AMP2008 will not be responsible or provide guarantees to USERS for: (i) Claims of USERS or Third Parties: any demand, action, claim, whether judicial, extrajudicial or of any nature - linked to the Law of Consumer Defense (Law 24,240), the Trademark and Designation Law (Law 22,362), Commercial Loyalty Law (Law 22,802), Competition Defense Law, from other USERS and/or third parties. (ii) Tax obligations: any demand, action, claim made by the body of the Federal Administration of Public Revenue (AFIP) and/or by any other body, entity or legal person with jurisdiction to claim compliance with national or provincial tax obligations. and/or municipal. (iii) Government obligations: any demand, action, claim, closure, fine, penalty carried out by the national, provincial or municipal State - for reasons related to, or in any way linked to, the authorizations, permits and/or authorizations that are required for the purposes that the USER can REQUEST a SERVICE.

8.2.- Of content.
The USER understands that AMP2008 does not control, and is not responsible for, all data on goods, comments, files, images, photographs, videos, sounds and any other material entered and/or shared through the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION. , and that by using the SERVICES the USER may be exposed to objectionable content for various reasons.
AMP2008 makes no representations, does not grant guarantees or assumes any responsibility regarding:
- The accuracy, reliability or authenticity of the content entered and/or shared on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION by USERS and/or third parties.
- Failure to comply with the law, public order, morality and good customs and in particular the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, the rights to honor, privacy and image, property rights and any other nature belonging to a third party as a consequence of the transmission, storage, making available, reception, obtaining or access to the contents entered into the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION as well as those shared by other linked USERS.
- The carrying out of acts of unfair competition and illicit advertising by USERS and/or third parties.
AMP2008 assumes no responsibility or liability for conflicts or compatibility issues that may occur due to third-party software. AMP2008 assumes no responsibility for loss of data as a result of the use of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APP.

8.3.- Of The Relationship Between AMP2008 and the "USERS".
This agreement does not create any partnership agreement, mandate, franchise, or employment relationship between AMP2008 and the USER.
The USER acknowledges and accepts that AMP2008 is not a party to any operation, nor does it have any control over the quality, security or legality of the data or SERVICES advertised, nor does it have responsibility or control over the truthfulness or accuracy of the SERVICES, advice , nor the capacity of the USERS to carry out said acts.
AMP2008 cannot ensure that a USER will complete the an operation nor will it be able to verify the identity or personal data entered by USERS, as well as nor can it guarantee success on a certain operation.


Given that the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION are developed by an external company, AMP2008 will not be liable for any due to software, system, or security failures of the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION or the servers provided by the web developer where it is hosted.
Likewise, AMP2008 will not be responsible for any failure or error that prevents or makes it difficult to use the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION in whole or in part, directly or indirectly, to the USERS and/or AMP2008 itself.


This agreement will be governed in all its contents by the law of the Argentine Republic.
AMP2008 and the USER submit for the purposes of this agreement to the jurisdiction of the Ordinary Courts of the City of Buenos Aires, waiving any jurisdiction that may apply to them, including the Federal.

11. HOME

For all purposes of this contract, ASOCIACION MUTUAL PUEYRREDON 2008 DE ASISTENCIA Y SERVICIO, CUIT: 30-71194540-3, has its address at Av. VIAMONTE 377 nº 377, 6th Apartment, CABA, and the USER constitutes domicile in the one declared at the time of registration on the WEBSITE and/or the MOBILE APPLICATION or in the last update made of their personal data.


AMP2008 reserves the right to modify or discontinue the SERVICE (or any part of the content) at any time without prior notice.
AMP2008 will not be will be responsible to the USERS or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension or discontinuance of the SERVICE.


The annexes that detail the policies and/or documents that are incorporated by reference are part of these General Terms and Conditions. They can be consulted at